Portland Parks Foundation Funding Opportunities

Spring is here! Time for two exciting funding opportunities! 

Joey Pope Award for Parks Leadership

Do you know an amazing new leader in the world of Portland parks, gardens, natural areas? 

PPF is inviting nominations for emerging leaders, connectors, and innovators who are bringing creative new approaches to advancing accessibility and innovation in Portland’s parks system.  

Got someone in mind? (Psst: you can nominate yourself!) This is a unique opportunity for an emerging individual, organization or initiative to receive $10,000 to advance their efforts, plus technical assistance in partnership with PPF.  All nominees will be celebrated at our Spring Summit on May 18!

Submit your nomination by April 9th.

Nominate Today

This is only the second year that PPF has offered this special new opportunity, named after founding PPF Board Chair, Josephine (Joey) Pope, whose decades of advocacy and activism made our parks system more accessible and beautiful for all. We know that many Portlanders are carrying this torch, and it's time to uplift their efforts.

Learn more about last year's awardee, Pamela Slaughter, founder of People of Color Outdoors, and all of the amazing 2022 nominees.

*Photo: Josephine (Joey) Pope has devoted over four decades of her life to activism, philanthropy, and leadership in making Portland’s parks system more accessible to all.

Spring Small Grants

We are excited to extend another invitation to community groups to apply to our Small Grants Program. These $2,000 grants support community-based organizations within the city of Portland who foster equitable access to our urban parks, natural areas, community gardens and recreation centers. This program is supported by a fund from the estate of Nancy Hebb Freeman + the Portland Parks & Recreation's Community Partnership Program. 

Applications are due April 15th. Click here to learn more.

Apply Today

For questions related to either program or grant-writing assistance, contact Jessica Green: jgreen@portlandpf.org or 503-446-3790